Tuesday, September 1, 2009

30 days

30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest has 31, except February which stands alone.

September always brings that little jingle to my mind. And it seems that September got here pretty fast this year. But I don't mind for this is my favorite time of the year. I always feel like with it being the ninth month that we're getting the chance to witness the birth of change. For me this is the most spiritual time of the year.

We now have the chance to enjoy the harvest of all we have done so far this year and prepare ourselves for the coming months of winter. During this time we can chase away evil spirits and take time to be grateful for the things we have. And then there is the opportunity for us to share the true meaning of God, not only with our families, but with friends and strangers as well. And for those of you who can't remember, the true meaning of God is,"LOVE".

So take time this September and thank God for those things you have, and look around you and see if there is a need that needs filling. For it is truly in giving that we receive. And if you don't believe me then ask God.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

just a vessel

Been cleaning jars lately, getting them ready to cann with. This is a job that I enjoy. Cleaning a dirty, stained, not used in a while jar and then canning in it is a passion of mine. Scary isn't it the little things that can thrill us sometimes. I search for jars anytime I can, finding them at auctions and flea markets mostly.

I remember the time I was cleaning some really nasty jars. They had been in an old barn for many years and even had paint sprayed on the outside of them. They were giving me a fit, almost to the point of giving up. And it was during one of my many breaks from them that the answer came to me on how to clean them. I tried it, it worked and I felt on top of the world.

That's when God showed up and humbled me with one of those spiritual moments. I realized what I was doing with those jars was the same thing He does with each of us when we finally end up in His hands. No matter how dirty or stained we are, He will clean us until we shine and then fill us with good stuff. And after the proper time in His spiritual pressure cooker we become staples within His heavenly pantry, to be used when needed. And when we are exhausted, He'll repeat the cycle just as we do with our jars.

I need to remember this more often in my life.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

still planting

My gosh it's the second week in June. Where has the spring gone? It seems like just yesterday that we were trying to decide what to plant and where. Now it's almost time to start planning what fall crops to plant.

But for now seeds are still going into the ground at a steady pace here somewhere. #1 son finally got all his tomato plants out, hopefully there's enough for us and the deer this time around. Last year we got two good pickins, was coming back in three days for another. Showed up, not a tomato in sight. 150 plants picked clean. This year he planted 400.

Speaking of #1 he's like a kid with a new toy. After fighting our old roto-tiller the past three years he was able to find a set of cultivators for our tractor. And you talk about luck, he had all the rows planted to where he was able to work the ground up in all the garden spots. There was only one hill of potatoes he got into, so fresh potatoes for supper tomorrow night.

#2 son had to work so he missed out on all the fun. But he'll be there at harvest time when more help is needed. #2 has one of those jobs that robs you of time. Sure it's only 12 hours a day, two or three days or nights in a row. But people don't realize the extra two to three hours required daily to get ready, plus travel time. It really places a hardship on a person, and their families as well. I know cause I worked that way for over 12 years. The person who came up with that idea should be tarred and feathered. I bet he doesn't work past 5pm weekdays, holidays nor weekends.

Wild raspberries are starting to ripen, should be able to pick several within the week. Grandson did his best today to gather as much as his stomach could hold. Just hope he didn't over do it, nothing beats a 4 year old getting sick during the night. But hey, that's what being a kid is all about.

Well that's just a quick report from here somewhere, so until the next time may your days be fruitful as God watches over all.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


It's been a long week. Just when you think you've a grip on things, everything just goes to pot. But hey, that's life. And it's no different here somewhere than it is anywhere else. Each day is like a pot-luck dinner, don't know what you'll get till it's time to eat.

I try to live a simple life. But many times there are things which I can not control, (I want to) that affects my life. Throws me off balance so to speak and it seems to take days to regain sanity. That's this week. But an angel has help me make it thru and I thank God for it.

About the third day in I was moving some chaos around when I came upon a wooden angel. Just a half of one that someone had made and I now own. As I was looking at it I was able to see another angel made out of craft sticks, (ice cream sticks), waiting to be made. I spend the week designing wooden angels. And I'm painting it this morning. This small gift has help me made it thru. I'm not saying that everything is now OK, I'm just in a better place to handle the things going on around me.

That's God for you.

The Bible speaks to be kind to strangers among us for we know not when they could be angels from God. I believe this idea goes out into many other things too. For if we close ourselves off from everything when things start going hairwire it's becomes possible for us to miss out on something that could help us regain peace. It may not be a perfect peace, but it could be enough to get us thru whatever it is we're facing. This is the grace of God, and it's for everyone.

So until the next time may God bless you with angels in the mist of your storms.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bury me green

Had to take my Mom to a memorial service this week. My Aunt, her sister-in-law had passed away and my Uncle was having a memorial service for her. Wasn't no lay out for she had been cremated, my Uncle spoke of their lives together, (over 50 years), they had a song, (no dance) a few prayers and it was over. It was nice.

On the way home I got to thinking that in reality this is the way it should be done. Why do we try to preserve our bodies, they're not needed any more. Like a cocoon to a butterfly is our bodies to our souls. For when our eyes have closed in death, our awareness blinks open to the judgement of our souls. New bodies or the second death wait in the balance.

Our bodies are a part of the cycle of life which operates this old world. If it were legal they should be laid out upon the hill sides to take our part in this never ending cycle, (you talk about being green). Does man think themselves too good to be a part of this. For we want to be all dolled up, looking better than we ever did in life, for others to stare at. Then tucked away in steel and concrete to last eternally. Why?

For those who believe, and even those who don't, our bodies at death should be the least of our concerns. It's the time we spent here that matters. The Apostle Paul spoke of this. For if we do not have charity, then all that we have done is in vain. So having our bodies prepared to last forever isn't gonna gain us any brownie points.

I believe it would be so much better to have cremation parks. A place set aside for people's ashes to be spread out into nature, with granite walls or posts located thru out the area to show the names of those scattered to the winds. We still would be robbing Mother Nature of our fair share in the upkeep, but at least we would be giving something back.

I think God would approve.

I don't know about you, but for me I think this is the way to go. Let what people see of me be in the pictures of their minds or on paper. For that wouldn't be me lying there in death, that part of me that everybody knows would have done left the building. And of what use is the building once it is empty, it's just taking up space.

Well that's just my thoughts. So until the next time take care and may God bless.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Cigar Tree

For the past twenty-some years I have been blessed with the acknowledgement of Memorial Day Weekend without the use of a calendar. This year it happen again. Friday afternoon I went to the front door to check on our dog, who had gone out the back door, when I was greeted by white blooms. Like a slap in the face it hit me, it's Memorial Day Weekend!! I would have bet a dollar it was next week. But there it was, the proof hanging on the tree before me.

For those of you who can't tell what I have here, it's a Catalpa tree. Known to many as a Indian Bean Tree, or as to us common folks here somewhere, a Cigar Tree. These names given I sure for the long pods these trees produces in the fall. And my tree is "BIG"

Every year since I have lived here the tree has never failed to bloom on this weekend. It's more regular than Jamie Lee Curtis. The tree has so many flowers that from a distance the whole tree appears white. You can stand under it in a rain storm and never get wet. And as you can see it dwarfs my house, which is a good thing. For it keeps my house cool up until about 3 o clock everyday during the summer months. You talk about living green.

Next to the flowers the only real down side to this tree are the worms that appear in July. They make a mess with their droppings. But it does make good compose. And the worms are tasty too, to fish. The fisherman who knows will travel for miles to gather the worms for bait. And many of them will bag the worms and keep them in freezers until needed. Like many things in life it's a give and take situation. It gives me shade and shelter, I put up with the flowers and worms.

I don't know how much longer my tree will last. Lightning seems to enjoy it every chance it gets. A funnel cloud mistreated it on the south side about 10 years ago. And the ice storms this winter, well the ice bought down three large branches on the north east side. But the thing that worries me most is the fact that it is rotting on the inside. Every time it rains now, water pours out from around the lower branches. Which is not good.

The hole opens up in the main forks where I still hope to locate a tree house someday. A bush is growing there now under the tree's face thanks to the worm compose. I need to get the sons up there to remove it (the bush), and maybe use concrete to seal the hole. That may give it a few more years. It saddens me to think that I may have to remove it before it removes me. But like any good friend I'll be there till the end, when ever that may be.

One other note I like to make about my tree. As I said my tree is big, but not the biggest in Kentucky. There is a tree somewhere that measures 234 inches around the trunk. My tree only measures 161 inches. But I wonder do they love their tree as much as I love mine. I like to think not.

Until the next time, take care and may God bless.

Friday, May 22, 2009

a good week for planting

We have been blessed with a beautiful week here somewhere. The nights have been pleasantly cool, with the days warming up to the point of almost too hot. And the morning sun, it has just been dazzling. The way it comes up shining thru the trees upon the ground reminds me of how the ocean's tide pushes the water upon the shores. God has truly poured out buckets of sunshine upon us this week. And I believe everyone has felt refreshed by it.

Plants and seeds has been flying into the ground at a stready rate this week also. #1 Son, (by placement, not merit) was called upon to till up a couple more garden spots. Then was able to plant some more tomatoes along with some beans and corn on the old home place #1. We already had some cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, peas, onions and potatoes planted here at the home base. Our early lettuce didn't do well this year, so I'm going to try planting some in containers. Love the lettuce with bacon. Still don't have beets out, may try a late crop of them.

Still looking for somewhere to plant some sunflowers and gourds. Have a place in mind just need to get #1 to work it up. Don't know if I'll get any Indian corn or popcorn out, but there's still a little time to decide. If I had a corn planter I would trick #1 into planting Indian corn in the bottoms of old home place #2. Along with sunflowers, gourds and pumpkins. But I don't think it will happen this year.

Well the week-end's here and it's time to do the week-end thing. Maybe next time I'll explain why I live somewhere and how #2 Son has corrupted me with Ebay. So until the next time may God bless and pour out a little sunshine for you.