Saturday, June 6, 2009


It's been a long week. Just when you think you've a grip on things, everything just goes to pot. But hey, that's life. And it's no different here somewhere than it is anywhere else. Each day is like a pot-luck dinner, don't know what you'll get till it's time to eat.

I try to live a simple life. But many times there are things which I can not control, (I want to) that affects my life. Throws me off balance so to speak and it seems to take days to regain sanity. That's this week. But an angel has help me make it thru and I thank God for it.

About the third day in I was moving some chaos around when I came upon a wooden angel. Just a half of one that someone had made and I now own. As I was looking at it I was able to see another angel made out of craft sticks, (ice cream sticks), waiting to be made. I spend the week designing wooden angels. And I'm painting it this morning. This small gift has help me made it thru. I'm not saying that everything is now OK, I'm just in a better place to handle the things going on around me.

That's God for you.

The Bible speaks to be kind to strangers among us for we know not when they could be angels from God. I believe this idea goes out into many other things too. For if we close ourselves off from everything when things start going hairwire it's becomes possible for us to miss out on something that could help us regain peace. It may not be a perfect peace, but it could be enough to get us thru whatever it is we're facing. This is the grace of God, and it's for everyone.

So until the next time may God bless you with angels in the mist of your storms.

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