Thursday, May 21, 2009

getting started

Twelve years in the making, twenty-five years since birth.

For many years I've wanted something that I could use to share the things I believe in and have learn in my life. So many of these things I believe could be useful to others and maybe help them improve their lives, or understand it. And if their lives improve, then maybe, they can make a difference in someone else's life. At least that's my hope.

I really can't explain why it has taken so long. But I can say what finally got me started. A rambling stay at home mom, trying to find her sanity while in the course of her everyday life. Her blog showed me there could be a place for me in this world. So Rachel thank you for helping to start my revolution.

I now like to share the things that I believe in; God, spiritually, good vs evil and this absolute truth, "It is wrong for anyone to use someone else for their own personal gain or glory".

Plus I hope to share the things I have been blessed to have learned over the years. To talk about my interest in life. Things like gardening, flea markets, crafts, recycling, being kind to Mother Earth, self-sufficiency, family, simple life-styles, and most of all LOVE. Maybe teach, maybe learn, who knows where this could go.

Well my feet are now wet, so now I need to go ahead and jump in and try to finish setting up this blog spot. So until the next time, take care and May God Bless.

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