My gosh it's the second week in June. Where has the spring gone? It seems like just yesterday that we were trying to decide what to plant and where. Now it's almost time to start planning what fall crops to plant.
But for now seeds are still going into the ground at a steady pace here somewhere. #1 son finally got all his tomato plants out, hopefully there's enough for us and the deer this time around. Last year we got two good pickins, was coming back in three days for another. Showed up, not a tomato in sight. 150 plants picked clean. This year he planted 400.
Speaking of #1 he's like a kid with a new toy. After fighting our old roto-tiller the past three years he was able to find a set of cultivators for our tractor. And you talk about luck, he had all the rows planted to where he was able to work the ground up in all the garden spots. There was only one hill of potatoes he got into, so fresh potatoes for supper tomorrow night.
#2 son had to work so he missed out on all the fun. But he'll be there at harvest time when more help is needed. #2 has one of those jobs that robs you of time. Sure it's only 12 hours a day, two or three days or nights in a row. But people don't realize the extra two to three hours required daily to get ready, plus travel time. It really places a hardship on a person, and their families as well. I know cause I worked that way for over 12 years. The person who came up with that idea should be tarred and feathered. I bet he doesn't work past 5pm weekdays, holidays nor weekends.
Wild raspberries are starting to ripen, should be able to pick several within the week. Grandson did his best today to gather as much as his stomach could hold. Just hope he didn't over do it, nothing beats a 4 year old getting sick during the night. But hey, that's what being a kid is all about.
Well that's just a quick report from here somewhere, so until the next time may your days be fruitful as God watches over all.
Some things that have made me happy lately…
3 years ago